Analysis of contextual mental health factors in adolescent girls and women of fertile age
... adolescent girls and women of fertile age and to identify the relationship with contextual factors that adversely affect health.
The research found that the most important contextual factors affecting psychological health and the prevalence of psychopathologies in adolescent girls and women of fertile age are family environment, the lack of supportive intrafamily relationships that provide emotional support and activate the mental potential of a woman, adverse life events, and in adolescent ...
Pathogenesis, symptoms and clinical course of the involutional and endogenous depression
... Геронтологическая психиатрия. М., 1977.
5. Материалы Всесоюзного симпозиума по проблеме инволюционных психозов. М., 1980.
† Korostelyov V.
involutive, senile, endogenous, depression, psychopathology