Ensuring the psychological health of military personnel in extreme situations
... conflicts, which flare up and subside globally, and the resulting need to establish unified standards for professional support for individuals affected by the psychological trauma of such situations. The article addresses the problems and objectives of psychological support for military personnel to mitigate the impact of life and health threats on their psyche. The results of an empirical study on signs of traumatic stress among 110 military personnel with professional experience in life-threatening situations are ...
The peculiarities of psychological support to breast cancer survivors in small towns
This article analyses the peculiarities of psychological support to breast cancer survivors residing in small towns. The authors consider the dynamics of emotional state in the course of implementing a dedicated programme of intensive psychological support in rehabilitation.
Марилова Т.
The planning of effective professional performance of a psychologist at preschool educational institutions
... gives a definition of ergonomic integrity of the activity of a psychological counsellor at a preschool education institution, describes the algorithm for defining the ergative functions of a counsellor, and identifies the essential components of the psychological support technique.
Бодров В.
Психология профессиональной пригодности. М., 2001.
Гершунский Б.
Образовательно-педагогическая прогностика: ...
The problem of cognitive deficiency in breast cancer patients
The article siscusses the works on the psychological support for people with an oncological diagnosis, namely, with breast cancer. The range of psychological research and therapeutic practices is narrowed to the study of the features of cognitive functions characterized by deficiency. Also in the work, ...