The use of MOS-SF-36 health survey for identifying specific psychological characteristics in primary school students with somatic pathologies
This article reports the results of a study into the quality of life of younger students with the help of MOS-SF-36 survey. Its information capacity is proved in case of identifying the psychological health components of health in children who suffered from iron deficiency anemia at a younger age. The author identified the long-term adverse effect of iron deficiency on the cognitive development and psychological health at primary school age.
1. Айвазян ...
Psychological health of senile men and women during the COVID-19 pandemic
The article discusses the issue of maintaining psychological health in men and women of senile age in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The sample consisted of 100 respondents aged 74 to 98, living in a family and in a nursing home. Negative characteristics of psychological health in men and women of senile ...
Primary school teachers’s attitude to the formation of psychological health: An empirical study
This article addresses the problem of promoting students’ health as a teacher’s activity within the educational system; special attention is paid to the pilot study into social attitudes to psychological health and its promotion in primary school teachers. The author analyses the classical ternary structure of social attitude to health promotion and identifies inconsistencies in the system of primary school teacher’s attitudes to the teaching process ...
Psychological health risks to children in modern education
... lichnosti. Metodologicheskie problemy social'noj psihologii. Moscow, pp. 89—105.
Allport, G. W.
1935. Attitudes. In: Murchison, C. Handbook of Social Psychology. Worcester, pp. 798—884.
Simaeva Irina
psychological health risks, healthy lifestyle attitude and behavior
The impact of family education on the development of mental health in a primary school student within pedagogical process
... и психического здоровья детей на современном этапе развития общества // Психологическая га¬зета. 1997. № 10 (25).
Alieva M.
education, anxiety, educational process, psychological health, diagnostics