Universal professional activity functions of foreign language and culture specialists
This paper sets out to examine the potential value of universal professional activity functions of foreign language and culture specialists in relation to a new resultative quality of their professional education and professional development. The purpose of revealing the functions is to prove the importance of professional ...
Professional universality of linguists: providing a rationale of the concept
This paper sets out to examine professional universality as an intrinsic essential characteristic of a linguist, a thorough consideration of which provides a rationale of the expedience and necessity of the importance of professional universality for promoting a better competitiveness and professional ...
Socio-cultural implications of professional universality of linguists
This paper examines socio-cultural implications of individual professional universality of the linguist. This study is to confirm that the formation of professional universality of an individual is an indispensable part of the modern system of higher education
Девятко И.
Модернизация, глобализация ...