The problem of training a teacher to maintain Federal State Educational Standard in basic education
... основного общего, среднего общего образования) (воспитатель, учитель)». URL: orders/129 (дата обращения: 20.08.2014).
Shevchenko N.
teacher’s professional standard, information competence, federal state educational standard
A teacher’s career in public education: problems, trends, and conflicts
... (ред. от 19.07.2018). Доступ из справ.-правовой системы «Консультант Плюс».
Kulikovsky M. Yu., Kuznetsova T. A.
career prospects for teachers, general education, problems in educa¬tion, professional standard, professional readiness, teacher of the future
Pedagogical support children in a conflict situation: legal aspects
... Наша версия. 2017. № 4. URL:
(дата обращения: 08.02.2017).
Dudorova E., Samsonova N.
pedagogical support of students, conflict, conflict situation, professional standard of the teacher, foreign practice, legal groundwork for pedagogical support