Agriculture produce procurement in the post-war years (based on the materials of the Kaliningrad rural district of the Kaliningrad region)
This article analyses the policy of compulsory procurement of agricultural produce from farmers in the late 1940s — mid-1950s. Currently, the public procurement of the Stalin era is recognised as a forced seizure of grain and other products in rural areas. Based on the materials from the Kaliningrad ...
The transition to the federal contract system in Russia: the centralisation of procurement and the enhancement of its efficiency
The introduction of the contract system in the field of procurement in the Russian Federation entails significant changes in the established practices. The scope of legal relations governed by the rules of regulation of public and municipal procurement is increasing. The expansion of methods for procurement ...
The problems of legal regulation of relations pertaining to satisfying state requirements in the light of new legislation
... государства в сфере публичных закупок: правовое регулирование и правоприменительная практика // Образование и право. 2012. № 3.
Primak T.
contract, procurement, contract system, state requirements