Means of explicating the strategy of manipulating information in american electoral discourse
The article examines the use of linguistic manipulation techniques by Joe Biden and Donald Trump during the political debates of the 2020 U.S. presidential election campaign. The strategy of manipulative influence on the mass audience through presenting information in a manner advantageous to the speaker is understood as one of the key strategies of agonistic discourse, which implies a competitive nature of communication. Five linguistic tactics used to implement this strategy are identified and...
Geography of voting in the presidential elections of 2018 in the Kaliningrad region
The article considers the geographical aspect of voting in general presidential elections in the Kaliningrad region in 2018. Two voting features, bipolar and fragmented, have been identified through the electoral analysis. There are a number of geographical factors which have a significant impact on the voting: the power of friends and neighbors and the power of the election campaign itself. Voting results are visualized in the work by means of cartographic method.
1. Голосов Г. В., Григорьев В...
The Eric Zemmour phenomenon in French politics
The article examines the peculiarities of the worldview and political views of French presidential candidate Eric Zemmour, an extreme right-wing nationalist whose popularity came as the main political surprise of the 2022 election campaign. The article reveals Zemmour's attitude towards the key issues of historical politics and the current French political agenda, such as identity crisis, total nihilism, feminization of politics, his attitude towards Germany, the USA, NATO, the EU, Russia and his...
On interpreting the legal category “form of government” (the case of Russia and Kazakhstan)
The article justifies the need to clarify the true content of such a fundamental legal category as the “form of government”, since, so far, neither scientifically nor at the practical level, there hasn’t been given any unambiguous interpretation. The authors point to one of the typical conceptual errors in elucidating the content of this category, admitted by some legal theorists: the essence of the “form of government of the presidential republic” concept is interpreted with descriptors of a political...