Formation of the future teachers’ readiness to form social interaction abilities in preschool children
The article describes an authentic model of the formation of future teachers’ readiness to facilitate the development of social interaction skills in preschool children. The proposed model meets the requirements of the current standards of professional education. The author describes the essence of the model focused on a set of measurable learning outcomes formulated in line with the Federal State Educational ...
The problem of training specialists for work on improving relationships among older preschool children
This article describes the features of relationships between older preschool children. The author emphasizes the need to prepare future specialists for work on improving relationships among older preschool children.
Бодалев А.А.
Личность и общение: избранные труды. М., 1983.
The development of creative thinking in older preschool children: The common and the special
This article summarises the findings of Russian and international authors on creative thinking. The authors present the results of an empirical study into the development of creative thinking in older preschool children. The article examines the common features in the development of creative thinking in five- and six-year-old children. The differences in the creative thinking development in girls and boys are identified. The authors outline the possibilities ...