The use of the photo corpus in the study of word-formation processes (on the derivatives with the prefix super-)
The paper analyzes the trends of prefix nominal derivation, identified on the data analysis represented in the National Photographic Corpus of the Polish language. It is shown that the analysis of derivatives with the prefix super-, functioning only in modern discursive practices, leads ...
Peculiarities of the English loanwords top-, VIP- functioning in the modern Russian language
The paper describes some aspects of English loanwords top- and VIP- in the modern Russian language. The morphological status of the components depends on their derivative value in the donor language (analytical adjective, prefixoid) or according to the derivational model of the recipient language (radixoid, affixoid, root). It is substantiated that the prepositive component top- acts as a sociopragmatic marker with the value of the highest position held by the compared objects in various ratings...
Verbs of delimitative manner of action based on the data of the national corpus of the Russian language: The system and usage
.... ун-та, 1975. Вып. 347. С. 141—146.
10. Национальный корпус русского языка : [сайт]. URL: http://www. (дата обращения: 14.05.2013).
Matzhanova K.
Aktionsart, delimitatives, prefix ‘po’, corpus linguistics
The functional features of verbs with antonymic prefixes in the panegyrical works of F. Prokopovich
An integrated approach to the analysis of language facts makes it possible to establish that the functioning of word-forming antonyms in F. Prokopovich’s panegyrics is limited by the spatial meaning of prefixes and the genre of the text.
Список сокращений
Академии Российской 1789—1794. М., 2001—2006. Т. 1—6.
русского языка ...
Actualization of linguo-cultural concepts, verbalized by imported prefixes and prefixoids
The article suggests a linguo-cognitive typology of prefixes and prefixoids, verbalizing linguo-cultural concepts. Special attention is focused on the concepts verbalized by imported morphemes. A dynamic analysis of these concepts is carried out using the example of conditionally identified “time-related” ...