Realisation of the pragmatic potential of intertextuality in political discourse
The article discusses the pragmatic potential of inter-textual inclusions in political discourse and how this potential is determined by the commonly shared precedent knowledge held in the cognitive base of all the members of the society. The paper touches upon the notion of precedent texts which have a unique system of commonly shared mental images and associations easily elicited in native speakers’ consciousness....
On the function of biblical anthroponyms David and Goliath in poetic texts of A. I. Polezhaeva and V. Ya. Bryusova
The author studies lexical dominants of the vocabulary of precedent biblical anthroponyms David and Goliath in the biblical texts and poetic texts based on the Bible. It is shown that the precedent name in the poetic text becomes a means of expressing the author’s assessment of the depicted. Changes are revealed ...
The biblical anthoponyms Jospeh the All-comely and Mary Magdelene in Marina Tsvetaeva’s poetic interpretation
This paper studies the informative and associative aspects of the precedent biblical anthroponyms Jospeh the All-comely and Mary Magdalene as units of Marina Tsvetaeva’s personosphere. The author characterizes the text formation and pragmatic functions of the mentioned anthroponyms in Tsevtaeva’s poetic text. The ...
Romokhov vs Russia: the procedural features and effect on the ensuing judgements of the European Court for Human Rights
This article describes the procedural features of the judgement of the European Court of Human Rights in case of Romokhov vs Russia. The author describes the sophisticated and inhomogeneous structure of this case as well as its and precedent features.
1. Конвенция о защите прав человека и основных свобод (с изм. от 13.05.2004) // Собрание законодательства Российской Федерации». 2001. № ...
Frame approach to analysing the semantisation of the biblical quasi-anthroponym prodigal son in the language of Russian poetry
... Берлин, 2017. Кн. 2.
12. Хазагеров Г. Г. Персоносфера русской культуры: два свойства персоносферы // Новый Мир. 2002. № 1. С. 133—145.
Babenko N. G., Steshenko M. A.
precedent sign, biblical quasi-anthroponym, frame, protoframe, frame approach, slot, semantisation
One Hundred Years Later: Visual Representations of Cultural Memory of the First World War in the Commemorative Practices in the UK
Based on the pieces of art created in the UK to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the First World War, the article analyzes the visual images used in the national commemorative practices. Interconnection between the specifics of "English style" in the representation of the cultural memory of the Great War and deep trauma of British society as a result of the war is considered.
1. Барт Р. Camera lucida. Комментарий к фотографии / пер. М. Рыклина. М., 2011.
2. Губанов И. А., Киселёва...
Pushkin texts in the description of characters by Dostoevsky and Nabokov
... (Reflection of «Shot» by Pushkin in the works of Dostoevsky). In: R. N. Poddubnaya, ed. Dostoevskii. Materialy i issledovaniya [Dostoevsky. Materials and research]. Vol. 3. Leningrad. pp. 54—66 (in Russ.).
Fyodor Dostoevsky, Alexander Pushkin, precedent texts, literary hero, self-presentation, self-disclosure
Fedorova, Elena A.