‘What can be described can happen too…’: describing text semantics as a model structure of transworld relationships
... relationship between sentential complexes. To those ends, I employ the concepts of model, model structure, and centred world. The latter is a system of functions that correlate language expressions, the language expressions of a text, states of affairs (possible worlds) described by language expressions, and the contexts in which a text occurs. Existence in the worlds of the text correlates with the possibility of description. Presumably, the text is a twofold notion: it refers to a linear sequence of segments ...
Steven Makin’s ontological argument: The concept of necessary exis¬ten¬ce of God
... Phenomenological Research. 1955. Vol. 15, № 4. P. 545—547.
17. Tichy P. Existence and God // The Journal of Philosophy. 1979. Vol. 76, № 8.
P. 403—420.
modal ontological argument, Immanuel Kant, predicate of existence, alethic modalities, possible worlds semantics, necessarily exemplified concepts
Gorbatova Y.
[html]1. Anselm Of Canterbury. 1995, Sochinenia. [Works], Moscow, 400p.2. Gorbatova, Y. V., 2013, Ontologicheskiy argument: ofisnoe reshenie [Ontological ...