The formation of the political elite in Lithuania at the turn of the 1980s—1990s: the role of “moral politicians”
This article considers the trend of structural changes in the political elite of the Republic of Lithuania in the post-Soviet period through analyzing the role of the so-called “moral politicians” — intellectuals, artists, and cultural figures, who played a decisive role in the period of the communist system disintegration and further development of the country's policy. The role of the political elite, which is understood according ...
The opportunities of political agents in the context of Kant’s project of perpetual peace
... 2001.
5. Хабермас Ю. Расколотый Запад. М., 2008.
6. Gerhardt V. Immanuel Kants Entwurf “Zum ewigen Frieden“: eine Theorie der Politik. Darmstadt, 1995.
Zilber A.
publicity, war, freedom, legitimation, globalization, politician, citizen, law.