Criminal songs: The hero and the plot
The criminal song is considered as a phenomenon of urban folklore functionally linked to the criminal community as an archaic subculture. The author characterises the plot structure of the criminal song: the system-building characters, their plot function, and typical motives. The article poses the question as to the thematic typology of the criminal song. It is emphasised that the bearer of the criminal song characteristics,...
Christmas and Easter archetypes in A. Varlamov’s story “The Little Star”: to the plot and character typology problem
... of the soul, while the Christmas archetype carries the idea of the incarnation of God, and hence there is a need for this type of literature which refers to earthly change and earthly joy. Varlamov’s short story is distinguished by an appeal to the plot of the prodigal son, according to I. A. Esaulov, that is Easter-oriented at its core, with a three-part composition “creation (prosperity)—fall into sin (temptation/trial) — resurrection”. The Easter archetype is also embodied through the ...
Regularity and serendipity: a systemic asymmetry of singer songwriting
The author analyses the works of singer songwriters, i. e. lyrics of bard songs and rock poetry, from the point of view of their plot and their place in the typology of texts. The author identifies a discrepancy between the principles of building the plot of songs and the methods of creating the poetic model of the world in the central and peripheral areas of this type of songs....
The house in the plot structure of A. I. Podolinsky’s poem “Borsky”
The plot structure of the poem by a Russian author of the Pushkin era A. Podolinsi is characterised in comparison with the context of Russian Romanti-cism and the conceptual constants of Russian cultural consciousness. The au-thor identifies the function ...
The motif of repentance and the features of the plot in Vladimir Monomakh’s “autobiography”
The analysis of Vladimir Monomakh’s “autobiogrpahy” in the context of the confession-reflexion form brings the author to the conclusion that repentance is the central motif dominating the logic of the plot in the second part of the Instruction.
Владимира Мономаха // Памятники литературы Древней Руси: Начало русской литературы: XI— начало XII века....
‘I did know who they were’: The red horse and the white poodle in Viktor Sosnora’s The Latvian Ballad
... highlighting the persona’s interpretation of the appearance of the red horse and the white poodle as miraculous within the context of the depicted rural idyll. A description is provided of the persona’s perspective and some aspects of the lyrical plot, which is chiefly shaped by the images of the two animals. A conclusion is drawn regarding the status of the persona as an artist and creator, which allows the entire The Latvian Ballad to be considered as a poetic text dedicated to the art and mission ...
The ways of modality expression in the poem “On the way to Skyros” by Joseph Brodsky
This article focuses on an in-depth analysis of the poem “On the way to Skyros” by Joseph Brodsky. The goal of this article is to identify the ways the author expresses his guidelines in the process of transformation of the mythological plot (the myth of Theseus). The analysis has been carried out on three levels: linguistic, compositional and ideological in order to determine the specifics of expression of the author’s modality in the poem in question. It has been established that ...
Prince Mikhail of Tver in Ryleev’s Duma and in the Russian Historiography: the Path to Sainthood
The author analyzes a well-known work by Ryleev in axiological aspect using historiographical sources and presents a new interpretation of its ideological structure. The article reveals a number of important details that differ the duma’s plot from the original historical source. Focusing on the antithesis between true and false values the research examines the oppositions freedom — captivity and life — honour. A careful examination of the protagonist’s image shows that his idealization ...
Pictorial art and George Perec’s oeuvre
Georges Perec is a French author, literary experimenter, and member of the Oulipo group, whose works are strongly influenced by pictorial art. This paper explores various ways in which pictorial art affects the plots, style, lan¬guage, structure, and composition of Perec’s poetics. It is argued that the three most important functions of visual art in Perec’s prose are plot-forming, structural, and conceptual-stylistic ones.
1. Балаш А. Н. Изображение ...
Image of Princess Olga in K.Ryleyev’s DUMA: hagiographical reference points
... K.Ryleyev pays special attention to an antithesis, showing that Prince Igor concedes to passions throughout his life whereas Princess Olga is always guided by a moral imperative. This antithesis is the main artistic means, and the cornerstone of the plot. The analysis of the main characters shows that Princess Olga, the ruler of the Russian land, is the epitome of the ideal Russian female character. The authors conclude that there are hagiographical references in depicting her image.
1. Вацуро ...
Christmas motif in R. L. Stevenson's story "Markheim"
The analysis of R. L. Stevenson's story "Markheim" shows an essential role of Christmas motifs in the semantic space of the work. There are various forms of expressing this motif in the key moments of the plot. The value space of the main character is connected to the Christian values inherent in Christ-mas motifs, and the story line develops along the rules of a Christmas story.
1. Амелина Е. Е. Феномен двойничества в новеллах ...
The spiritual and moral collision in H. G. Wells’s short story “The Door in the Wall”
... axiological aspect. The issues of true and false values, the visible and invisible worlds and the border between them, and the meaning of human life are examined as the central problem of the text. It is shown that the image of Wallace and the related plot are deter-mined by the choice between the eternal and earthly values, this and the other worlds. The image of the narrator embodies the opposition between the catego-ries of faith and doubt shaping the inner collision of the short story.
1. Кагарлицкий ...
The example of humility: The life of St Nicholas the Bishop compiled by Symeon the Metaphrast
... книжности XI—XV вв. // Труды отдела древнерусской литературы. СПб., 2008. Т. 59. С. 115—132.
Dorofeeva L.
Old Russian book studies, Old Russian literature, translated hagiography, humble person, typology, plot, biography, saint, feat of a saint, St Nicholas, Symeon Metaphrast
Biblical motifs in B. Pasternak’s cycle Isn’t it Time for Birds to Sing as a structure forming principle
This article described the structure forming function of biblical motifs in the plot relating to the spiritual struggle between the good and the evil for the soul of the persona. The author identifies the role of intertextual connection in the formation of the image of poetic I.
1. Гиржева Г. Н. Поэтика лирики ...
Thematic parallels in the hagiographies of Adalbert of Prague and old Russian narratives
... extremely popular in Central Europe X—XII centuries, and hagiographies and old Russian chronicles related geographically to the events that took place in the basin of the Upper Oka. The author identified several direct and indirect parallels of the plot. Among them, there is a description of the activities of the Adalbert-Gaudentius brothers and the legendary Radim and Vyatko brothers. The story describing the tragic death of hieromonk Kuksha is similar to the ones describing the killing of Adalbert ...
Private subsidiary farming: From the history of everyday life of Kaliningrad kolkhozes (1946—1953)
This article analyses the significance of private subsidiary farming for peasant settlers during late Stalinism. Special attention is paid to the characteristics of private land plots and the livestock number at peasant farms. It is concluded that subsidiary farming played a key role in the survival strategy of kolkhoz members in a post-war Soviet village.
1. Аксененок Г. А., Григорьев В. К., Пятницкий ...
Text formation function of the author's modality in the poetry of Joseph Brodsky (on the poem «I always kept saying that the fate is a game...» — «Я всегда твердил, что судьба — игра...»)
... a way of representing significant philosophical categories for the poet, such as time, space, loneliness, and fate.
Vaulina S.S., Loseva I.E.
Josef Brodsky, author’s modality, lyrical subject, author’s individual world perception, lyrical plot