Organisational and administrative preconditions for the development of the pedagogic competence of the agents of higher physical education
This article considers, as prerequisites for the development of pedagogical competence of the agents of physical training at higher education institutions, the research and information needs of these agents such as the general situation, psychological atmosphere among the personnel, satisfaction with the predominant type of activity and the “background” factors ...
The activities of Kaliningrad public education authorities aimed at organising military and pre-conscription training of schoolchildren in 1945—1962
This article consdiers the issues concerning the military training of schoolchildren in the post-war years (1945—1962) in the Kaliningrad region.The authors analyse the processes of integration of military and physical training at school as well as the management of these processes by public education authorities.
архив Калининградской области (далее —
ГАКО). Ф. 462. Оп. 2. Д. 14.
Special features of individual physical training of service members
This article considers the features of organization and implementation of individual physical training with the help of an individual approach to exercise planning.
Болотин А.
О преимущественной направленности физической подготовки курсантов военного училища ...
Experience of Physical Education Methods Application to Medical and Social Support of People Living with HIV
The article analyses the appropriateness and efficiency of physical training by medical and social support of people living with HIV. The author presents the results of research conducted in Russia, the USA, and Canada.
Basta T.
B., Reece M.,
Predictors of exercise stage of change among individuals ...
The technological system of developing professional successfulness of a future engineer with poor health condition in the framework of university physical education
... Дидактические технологии в высшей школе : учеб. пособие для вузов. М., 2002.
4. Щуркова Н. Е. Педагогическая технология : учеб. пособие. М., 1993.
Matukhno Ye.
technology, physical training, professional success, future engineers with poor health condition.
On question of formation primary school children’s aesthetic culture
Шипилина И.
Хореография в спорте. Ростов н/Д, 2004. (Сер. «Образовательные технологии в массовом и олимпийском спорте».)
Klimova D.
physical training, aesthetic culture, choreography.