Mikhail Ancharov and the poetry of Mayakovsky
... which he fights). Ancharov frequently mentions Mayakovsky’s name, quotes his poems, and comments on his statements about creativity in his prose and interviews.
Kulagin A.V.
Ancharov, Mayakovsky, tradition, motive, lyrical hero, urbanism, philistinism
The liberal concept of freedom in the conservative teachings of K. N. Leontyev and L. A. Tikhomirov
... and L. A. Tikhomirov. Reasoning in the framework of Russian philosophical organicism, each philosopher insists on his own approach to analysing social phenomena. It is shown that Leontyev, in line with naturalistic aestheticism, sharply criticises the philistine ideal triumphing through the implementation of the liberal interpretation of freedom. Tikhomirov, under the influence of political philosophical realism, focuses on analysing the theory and practice of the liberal democratic mechanism. The ...