On M.A. Ivanova’s personal pension provision, granted for F.M. Dostoevsky’s service to the Soviet state
The article deals with the problems of personal pension provision of M. A. Ivanova, the niece of F. M. Dostoevsky, granted for the merits of her famous relative. The main information sources are the documents of the pension file stored in the State Archive of the Russian Federation, confirming the right of ...
“My statement was lost in the depths of the People's Commissariat of Education”: petitions and intercessions for personal pension provision of Vera Uspenskaya, the daughter of Gleb Uspensky
... significance (provincial (regional) bodies - central bodies - the Commission of the NKSO of the RSFSR), an institution of mediation was built in, based on the principle of personal merit.
Zhirkova M.A., Kapustina O.V.
Gleb Uspensky, descendants, personal pension provision, services to the state, petition, author's fee