“My statement was lost in the depths of the People's Commissariat of Education”: petitions and intercessions for personal pension provision of Vera Uspenskaya, the daughter of Gleb Uspensky
Based on archival materials, the article considers problems of pensions provision of Vera Uspenskaya (1877—1942) in 1923—1939 whose pension case was registered in the name of her father, the writer Gleb Uspensky. Having analyzed the frequency of changes in the size of Vera Glebovna's personal retirement benefit, the authors found that all the increases in pension amounts were related to personal applications of the pensioner or petitions from her brother, sent to the People's Commissariat of Social...
Models of endowing artificial intelligence with legal personality
The article discusses some problems related to the legal personality of artificial intelligence. The concept of artificial intelligence and its legally significant features, the ratio of artificial intelligence and robot are investigated. The purpose of the study is to analyze the main models of granting legal personality to artificial intelligence. The following research methods are used: comparative, analytical and historical. Results: The first model denies the possibility of granting artificial...
Full and short personal names in Russian: a quantitative study
The paper presents a statistical study of the use of variant forms of Russian personal names. It is shown that Russian names can be divided into two classes: names with full and short forms contrast with names that only have one neutrally used form. For names that have a distinct short form, the frequencies of full and short forms can relate to each other in different ways. This depends on various factors, such as the length of the full name and the gender of its owner: for longer names and female...
The communication of persons: Kant’s theory of marriage law held captive by pagan anthropology
The paper analyzes Kant’s philosophy of matrimonial law. It focuses on the idea of this law as “possession of a person as a thing and its use as a person”: Kant conceives marriage as an interpersonal relation in an external form of real possession, in the aspect of the objective and subjective goal of such relation, but primarily in the aspect of its legal and ethical possibility. Given the naturalistic interpretation of the constitutive act for this kind of law, the legal deduction of marriage comes...
Determination of students personality type and its impact on the quality of learning
The article presents the results of a study on the influence of students’ personality types on the quality of education, based on the example of the “Public and Municipal Administration” degree program. The study proposed and tested a hypothesis regarding the statistically significant relationship between a student’s professional personality type and their educational outcomes. To assess students’ professional personality types, John Holland’s methodology was employed, which determines a student’s...
Escapism: non-constructive ways of teenage personal self-determination
The protest against outdated patterns of self-image and the inability to defend modern patterns self-image becomes traditional contradiction in teenager’s self-determination. Difficulties of self-determination in the real relationship define teenager’s escapism and search for the value of self-image in a virtual existence. This study highlights the mechanisms and conditions under which escapism becomes dangerous for adolescents, distorts their self-image, and contributes to the loss of its adequacy...
On M.A. Ivanova’s personal pension provision, granted for F.M. Dostoevsky’s service to the Soviet state
The article deals with the problems of personal pension provision of M. A. Ivanova, the niece of F. M. Dostoevsky, granted for the merits of her famous relative. The main information sources are the documents of the pension file stored in the State Archive of the Russian Federation, confirming the right of the writer’s niece to a personal pension for the merits of her uncle and containing information about the size of the pension and the payment plan. The studied documents, together with regulatory...
‘I did know who they were’: The red horse and the white poodle in Viktor Sosnora’s The Latvian Ballad
... indicating the genre and setting a national or local context, also significantly influences the meanings attributed to the red horse and the white poodle. The analysis pays particular attention to the spatiotemporal organisation of the text, highlighting the persona’s interpretation of the appearance of the red horse and the white poodle as miraculous within the context of the depicted rural idyll. A description is provided of the persona’s perspective and some aspects of the lyrical plot, which is chiefly ...
Personal determinants of somatic reactions in adolescents
The author discusses personal traits of adolescents and the development of somatic reactions. The author confirms numerous survey data concerning the association of dysfunctional personal characteristics and the severity of somatic symptoms in the adolescent population. Multiple regression analysis demonstrates that a high degree of somatic reactions are typical of adolescents with emotional instability and a hostile view of the world. The author proves a "buffer" role of social support;...
The derivative forms of personal names in Swedish antroponymics
The article is devoted to derivative forms of personal names in the Swedish tradition of giving names to individuals. The research is focused on explaining the following terms: short name, short form of a name, ‘pet name’, and diminutive form. Syncopation and affixal derivation are considered as the most frequent derivative models for personal names.
1. Антышев А. Н. Имена. Немецкие антропонимы. Уфа, 2001.
2. Ахманова О. С. Словарь лингвистических терминов. М., 2007.
3. Живоглядов А. А., Нухов...
Personality health of a professional
The article offers an original professional training oriented concept of personality health based on the criterion of subjective well-being. The author examines the theoretical model of the levelled structure of subjective wellbeing and its empirical application to professionals in different fields: traffic controllers, teachers and doctors.
Хащенко В.
Модель субъективного экономического благополучия // Психологический журнал. 2005. Т. 26, №
3. С. 38—50.
Sokolskaya M.
The development of personal information safety of schoolchildren
This article deals with the issue of ensuring personal information safety of schoolchildren as well as different approaches to defining the notion of ‘information safety’. The author emphasizes the need for applying the vitagenetic educational methods in order to develop the personal information safety of schoolchildren.
Белкин А.
С., Вербицкая Н.
«Витагенное» образование как научно-педагогическая категория // Образование и наука. 2001. №
3. С. 18—28. С. 2001.
2. ...
Linguistic personality as a subject of political discourse
This article deals with various concepts of linguistic personality. The article also describes relevant parameters of political discourse. Linguistic personality of a politician considers as a dynamic syncretic phenomenon.
1. Бабайцева В. В. Избранное, 1955—2005 : сб. Ставрополь, 2005.
2. Богин Г. И. Концепция языковой личности : автореф. дис. ... д-ра филол. наук. М., 1982.
3. Воркачев С. Г. Лингвокультурология, языковая личность, концепт: становление антропоцентрической парадигмы в языкознании...
The subjective image of situation as a factor of personality behavioural strategy differentiation
This article reproduces a fragment of the author's dissertational research on the organization of personality activity in life situations. The author discusses the decisive role of subject-situation interaction in the differentiation of personality behavioural strategies. A certain complex of situational parameters makes it possible to identify crucial differences between the classes of everyday, significant and difficult life situations. The author focuses on the dependence of behavioural strategies...
Peasant’s personal land ownership during Stolypin’s reforms: Myths and reality
This article provides a legal analysis of personal ownership of estate, parcels of land in homestead villages, and fortified communal land in the village, which was acquired by peasants under the legislative acts of the agrarian reform. Based on a comparison of general civil and peasant legislation, the author emphasises the differences between personal ownership, which replaced the family ownership of a peasant homestead, from private ownership. They related to maintaining a special status of allotment...
Characteristics of traumatic fragmentation of the body and personal identifi-cation in cases of mass casualties as a result of manmade emergencies
Practical material is used to analyze the frequency of applying different personal identification methods in the cases of traumatic body fragmentation in different manmade emergencies. The authors estimate the identification efficiency of dental characteristics depending on the damaging factor in different manmade emergencies. It is shown that the significance of forensic postmortem dental identification increases with the intensity of damaging factors. The key method of forensic dental identification...
The Place of Hermann Cohen’s Ideas in the Philosophy of Dialogue
My aim is to prove that Hermann Cohen was not only a philosopher of dialogue but has played an exceedingly important role in the history of that current of thought. His books Ethics of Pure Will (1904) and Religion of Reason out of the Sources of Judaism (1919) offer a detailed analysis of the relationships between I and Thou, I and It, I and We. In the first book these relationships are considered from the ethical-legal point of view and in the second from the viewpoint of religious anthropology...
The linguistic paradigm in Kant studies
This article discusses the potential of the linguistic persona theory in the linguistic studies of Kant’s texts. Linguistic Kant studies is a scientific discipline focusing on the language of Kant's works. Such a study can be either independent or integrated int a logicalphilosophical analysis. The author ...
Speech portrait of a modern Russian woman: an onomastic fragment
The article studies a fragment of the speech portrait of a modern Russian woman through the perception of a personal image. The role of personal names in women’s lives, the comprehension of naming, and the features of name functioning in verbal communication are indicated. The author analyzes the tendencies of changes in naming in various historical periods, as well as the reasons for such changes. The paper also studies the trends in the selection of names, identifies the criteria for a fashionable...
Personality in a multicultural world
The article considers problems faced by the individual as the bearer of social and cultural patterns. The article focusses on the issues of the conscious formation of tolerance and interconnections between understanding and the individual’s adaptation to reality. General knowledge, reflection, the extension of meaning, self-esteem, a system of values, logic and cognition form the basis of understanding. The author analyses the concept of multicultural identity and explores the problems of non-conflict...
The “personal-social” antinomy as a mechanism for analysing and assessing pedagogical studies on developing cognitive interests in cadets
Using the “personal-social” antinomy, the author analyses the results of a historical and pedagogical reconstruction of the 1960s— 80s theoretical and practical studies on the development of cognitive interests in cadets within the training process at military schools. The analysis helps to identify the conditions for critical and creative application of these results in humanising the system of military education in modern Russia.
1. Артемьева О. А. Активизация познавательной деятельности курсантов...
The psychological problems of development of professional culture of future lawyers in the context of its increasing quality
This article aims to give a theoretical and methodological, as well as empirical justification of the conceptual framework of formation of professional culture in future lawyers in the context of its increasing quality. The problem of professional culture of a lawyer was analyzed within
the three contexts: theoretical approaches to understanding the nature of professional culture; problem aspects from the perspective of practitioners of law enforcement authorities; the image of professional culture...
The development of the grammaticon of a multicultural language personality
This article defines grammaticon as an integrated part of a multicultural language personality, which includes an inventory of grammatical units and relations between them, as well as the ability to use these grammatical units in real cross-cultural communication. The structure of grammaticon consists of 3 parts: the universal, the national, and the individual components.
Бим И.
Компетентностный подход к образованию и обучению иностранным языкам // Компетенции в образовании: опыт проектирования:...
The pedagogical prognosis of success on the basis of teenagers' personal characteristics analysis
This article analyses teenagers' personal characteristics that determine academic and social success as well as the ways to detect them in the process of education. The research encompasses motivation for success, the level of subjective control, self-esteem, self-awareness in educational process, autonomy/dependence and the level of anxiety.
Бодалев А.
Восприятие и понимание человека человеком. М., 1982.
Деркач А.
А., Селезнева Е.
Акмеологическая культура личности: содержание...
Heritage aspect of personal insurance
The relevance of the presented study lies in the active process of reforming domestic civil legislation, and in particular, the rules of insurance. A number of proposals for changing the current legal regulation, formulated in the Concept for the Development of the Provisions of Part Two of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on Insurance Contracts, naturally need a thorough doctrinal assessment. Such proposals also include the hereditary aspect of personal insurance highlighted in the Concept...
On the question of the reliability of witnesses’ testimony
The author explores separate aspects of the genesis of testimony. Obtaining reliable testimony from witnesses is the main objecting of this research. The author reflects on the latest developments in science, which expand a range of methods used for studying human psyche and personality as a source of information about the crime event. Based on the analysis of the current methods for obtaining reliable testimony, the author draws a conclusion on the need to develop the theoretical basis for a forensic...
Current Problems of Ensuring Personal Liberty and Immunity in the Russian Federation in the Light of Decisions of the European court of Human Rights
The article analyses the acute problems of the observance of rights to personal liberty and immunity, provided by the Article 5 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms in the light of the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights in respect of the Russian Federation.
о защите прав человека и основных свобод от 4.11.1950 г. // Собрание законодательства Российской Федерации. 2001. № 2. Ст. 163.
о правовой помощи...
Personalized prophylactics of periodontal diseases of the Kaliningrad district population
Individual characteristics of each patient and appropriate choice of treatment based on the results of diagnostics present a foundation for the elaboration of programmes aimed at preventing periodontal disease. The evaluation of these activities requires new approaches to their organization, development and planning for preventing the development of pathology of the periodontium and improving the effectiveness of therapeutic manipulations for reducing complications.
1. Абаев З. М., Домашев Д. И...