Measuring performance of cultural organizations on the data of the envelopment analysis
The article focuses on the issue of cultural organizations performance measurement. The author explains the benefits of applying a non-parametric “Data Envelopment Analysis” that is based on comparison of input and output indicators, to performance measurement of cultural organizations. Using statistical ...
Poor academic performance at university from the perspective of graduates
This article considers approaches to research on poor academic performance at higher educational institutions as a didactic phenomenon. The authors address the need to prevent poor academic performance and structure the training process so that the potential of each student is fully developed. The article analyses ...
Developing and testing a balanced scorecard for a trading company
This article presents a case of developing a balanced performance scorecard for a Kaliningrad trading company. A general solution includes five stages: analysing economic performance, studying dependencies between performance indicators, building strategic map charts, identifying goals and planning relevant ...
Key problems of the preparedness of marketers to the new challen¬ges of digital communications era and their impact on a company’s performance
... changes in the level of requirements for and the expected competencies of professional marketers in the age of digital communications. The article discusses the role and evaluates the contribution of mar-keting specialists to the economic and financial performance of companies and organisations. The author analyses the applied methods and indicators that used to assess the level of specialists' competencies in the area of marketing.
1. Дойль П. Маркетинг, ориентированный ...
Local features of regional difference in the modern Ukraine
This paper attempts to analyse the existing regional disparities with the help of the proposed population and territory performance indices. A regional analysis is carried out on the basis of index calculations; certain territorial groups of regions are identified. The author examines the state regional
1. Мартынов В. Л. Межрегиональное неравенство ...
Modern indicators of urban development: challenges and opportunities for creating integral approaches to city management
... Urban Studies. 2007. Vol. 44, № 3. P. 525—550.
25. Wong C. A framework for ‘City Prosperity Index’: linking indicators, analysis and policy // Habitat International. 2015. Vol. 45. P. 3—9.
26. Yigitcanlar T. Position paper: benchmarking the performance of global and emerging knowledge cities // Expert Systems with Applications. 2014. Vol. 41, № 12. P. 5549—5559.
27. Yigitcanlar T., Velibeyoglu K., Martinez-Fernandez C. Rising knowledge cities: the role of knowledge precincts // Journal ...
The innovative process in the Baltic Sea region
... the region. Firstly, some definitions of innovations, innovation drivers, and characteristics of a favourable innovation environment are presented. Secondly, the current condition of innovation environments in the BSR is described and the innovation performances of Baltic countries are compared. Finally, the research aims to conclude, as well as to analyse, the future innovation development of the BSR. The research material for this desk study is collected from various sources, including journal ...
Empirical results on Russian companies' innovation activity
... competitive position in international markets. This paper is based on research designed to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the national innovation system in Russia. The objective of the study was to examine innovation activity and innovation performance in Russia, as well as to identify the priorities of the government’s policy for promoting innovation.
1. Bauman Innovejshn. [online] Available at: <http://info. / library/235397/ prazdnichnykh-ru. pdf> ...