The Embodied Practical Ideal: Kant’s Ethicotheology and Godmanhood
The metaphysical layer of what can be called philosophical Christology in Kant’s treatise on religion reflects his idea of the embodiment of the archetype of moral perfection. Kant raises the problem of the ontology of the ideal in the shape of the question about the conditions that make actual experience possible: the ideal of holiness resides in reason, i. e. in the human being, but the dominance of radical evil ...
Kants praktischer Platonismus
...., 1740. Der vernünfftigen Gedancken von Gott, der Welt und der Seele des Menschen, auch allen Dingen überhaupt, anderer Theil, bestehend in ausführlichen Anmerckungen. 4. Auflage. Frankfurt: Andreä & Hort.
ideas, virtue, republic, moral laws, perfection, pure practical reason, intelligible world
Manfred Baum
The questions of the poet A. S. Kushner to the philosopher I. Kant regarding the otherworldly
... Соловьев В. Стихотворения. Эстетика. Литературная критика. М., 1990. С. 35.
15. Соловьев В. С. Кант. // Соловьев В. С. Соч.: в 2 т. М., 1988. Т. 2. С. 478.
existence of God, perfection, autonomy, heteronomy, beauty of nature, postulates of the practical reason, freedom, determinism
Kalinnikov L. A.