The role of pedagogical support in the personal development of students of higher educational institutions
Problems of development of the person of students of high school are considered. Necessity of introduction of pedagogical support is described, its importance is analysed, target orientations are designated, stages of pedagogical support of students are allocated.
Давыдов В.
. Проблемы развивающего обучения. М., 2004.
2. ...
Social and pedagogical support for the development of social communication network by deprived teenagers
This article offers a theoretical framework and authors’ methodology for organizing social and pedagogical support for adolescents in residential
care based on the methods of social network analysis and social support networking.
1. Bertalanffy L. von. General system theory: Foundation, development, application.N. Y., 1968.
2. Bronfenbrenner U. The Ecology ...
On the phenomenon of socio-pedagogical support of student's subjective development in additional education
This article analyses, by means of the reflective-environmental approach, the potential, features, and limitations to socio-pedagogical support of the subjective development of a student in the framework of additional education. On the basis of the research conducted, the author comes to a conclusion about the necessity of such support both for the development of students' subjectivity ...
Model of Professional Training in the field of Pedagogical Support of High School Student Self-Identification
The article describes the process of professional and advanced training at teacher training universities for pedagogical support in the field of high school students' self-identification. The author offers methodical guidelines for the corresponding course and the results of experiments.
Абульханова-Славская К.
Диалектика человеческой ...
Pedagogical support children in a conflict situation: legal aspects
... for children”, European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, European Social Charter, the Strategy of the Council of Europe on the Rights of the Child. The documents are analysed in the light of the mechanism of pedagogical support for children. It is shown that the abovementioned documents, which guarantee the protection of rights, psychological and physical health and development of the child can be considered as the legal basis for the organization and implementation ...
Psychological and Pedagogical Provision of Variative Education routes in State Schools
... сб. науч. тр. / под ред. Ю.
И. Дика, А.
В. Хуторского. М.: ПОСО РАО, 1999. С. 285—291.
Galatskova I.
education individualisation and differentiation, variative education routes, psychological and pedagogical support.