Electronic portfolio in the system of pedagogical education as an element of the digital educational environment
... while the learning environment objectively acquires the characteristics of the digital environment, it integrates the value-motivational, refleсtive, and emotional mechanisms of identity development in the learning process. In the system of higher pedagogical education, the electronic portfolio becomes an integral part of the educational process organization.
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Non-traditional organisation of training in improving the quality of pedagogical education
... процессе учреждений СПО // Научные исследования в образовании. 2012. № 12. С. 46—58.
Chebotareva I. V.
non-traditional classes, organisiational forms, future teachers, pedagogical disciplines, pedagogical education
Modernisation of educational programmes: From a professional standard to education results
... сетевой реали-зации практики бакалавров в Мининском университете // Вестник Мининско¬го университета. 2015. № 2 (10). С. 20.
Samsonova N.
program for modernisation of pedagogical education, bachelor in special education, educational module, networking