On connection between codependency and the ideas about abusive relationships in young women
The article discusses the specifics of connection between codependency and young women’s understanding of abusive, romantic and marital relationships and clarifies the specific judgments about violent behavior in partnerships among women with high codependency. The study relies on 110 responses from women aged from 19 to 30. The free associations methods, the scale of codependency of B. K. Weinhold and J. B. Weinhold, the questionnaire of interpersonal relations ...
The legal regulation of agricultural cooperation during the period of the Provisional Government and Soviet Russia
... as well as cooperation in general, transforming it from a private-law institution into a public-law one and thereby depriving it of the fundamental principles on which it had been built for several decades.
Novikova Yu.O.
cooperation, cooperative partnerships, agricultural cooperation, cooperative movement, cooperative legislation, consumer commune, cooperative construction