The subjects of legal monitoring of Justice of the Peace
... analysis of the existing ideas about subjects of legal monitoring and practical experience of monitoring of justice of the peace, the classifications of subjects of legal monitoring of the of justice of the peace are proposed depending on the number of participants and on the availability of state power. The proposed classifications are shown in their interrelation. The author concludes that it is necessary to distinguish between subjects and participants in the legal monitoring of Justice of the Peace....
The role of notary system in establishing correspondence between the will and expression of will of citizens of the Russian Federation
... citizens’ will in view of the changes to the provisions of the law on the limitation of legal capacity of natural persons. The article stresses the need to extend the role of notaries in documenting the will and will expression of civil circulation participants.
1. Токарева М. В. Взаимная ответственность государства и личности как объект гражданско-правового регулирования // Российский судья....