Orel forest parks as the basis of the ecological framework and their recreational assessmen
... mitigated through the use of green plants. Establishing an ecological framework plays a key role in addressing this issue. Natural ecosystems serve as the cores of the ecological framework. In urbanized areas, these cores may include urban forests, forest parks, and natural ecosystems forming green belts around cities. Using the city of Oryol as an example, the study highlights the significance of forest parks as the cores of the ecological framework and as areas of high phytodiversity, including rare ...
History of creation, modern ecological condition, landscape structure of M. Ashmann park in Kaliningrad
The sharp reduction of green zones in Kaliningrad, caused by the rapid modern construction and the increase in the motor vehicles, leads to adverse environmental conditions. Reconstruction and conservation of parks is a priority task for creating an ecological framework of urban areas. The M. Ashman’s landscape park is located in densely populated new districts of Selma and Severnaya Gora and is actively used by the townspeople for recreation. However, its ...
The lichens of state protected country estate parks in the Pskov region
This article presents the first attempt to study lichens in 6 state protected parks in memorial country estates of the Pskov region. The authors distinguished 111 lichen species, among which 7 were proved to be rare and 4 – new to the Pskov region, and performed taxonomic analysis and the analysis of lichen life forms. Special ...
On the prospects of cooperation between Russian and Lithuanian innovative sectors
... [online] Available at: http://www.lma.lt (Accessed 19 December 2010).
10. Skripov, V. «Silikonovaja dolina» po-litovski. [online] Available at: http://www.irn.ru/articles/10563.html(Accessed 19 December 2010).
11. Klajpedskij nauchno-tehnologicheskij park. [online] Available at: http:// www.kmtp.lt (Accessed 19.12.2010).
12. Visorjajskij informacionno-tehnologicheskij park. [online] Available at: http://www.vitp.lt (Accessed 19 December 2010).
13. Toplivnyj portal. Novosti. [online] Available ...
Ye. A. Polyakova — an expert on the history of landscape gardening (on the basis of archive data)
This article, based on archival materials, is devoted to the educational activity of the senior research fellow of the Museum of the City, Ye. A. Polyakova. Her works are dedicated not only to gardening and park facilities of past eras, but also to new trends in public landscape facilities of the 1920s—1930s.
1. Балабко Т. В. Е. А. Полякова — историк «зеленого строительства» Ленинграда ...