Inter-organizational networks as seen by western economic sociology: An analysis of theoretical approaches
... approaches to studying interorganizational networks offered in foreign economic sociology. The authors describe main conceptual problems, the key aspects of network form of interorganizational interaction, and embeddedness effects.
1. Alter C., Hage J. Organizations working together. Newbury Park, 1993.
2. Benson K. J. The Interorganizational Network as a Political Economy // Administrative Science Quarterly. 1975. Vol. 20, № 2. P. 229—249.
3. Bourdieu P. The forms of capital // Handbook of Theory ...
Organization of passenger transport: сivil law regulations
The article examines the main problems of regulating public relations in the organization of automobile passenger transport as well as contractual obligations of parties ensuring the performance of passenger transportation services within the framework of the civil law. The organization of automobile passenger transportation is ...
Speech features clinical guidelines for patients
... (leading function — informative); created to encourage patients to take care of their own health, engage in disease prevention — persuasive (leading function — pragmatic); created to attract potential clients to a medical institution, shape the organization’s image, promote medical products and services — advertising (leading function — representational). Based on the analyzed material, recommendations of the first two types are proposed to be grouped together and qualified as an informative-imperative ...
The concept of open innovations and a study into the strategic potential of organisations
... Management Review (Spring). 2008. Vol. 49, № 3. P. 43—51.
16. Gans J., Hsu D., Stern S. When Does Start-Up Innovation Spur the Ctale of Creative Destruction? // RAND Journal of Economics. 2002. Vol. 33, № 6.
Chuikin A. M.
strategic potential of organizations, sustainable competitive advantages,
open innovation business model