Count M. A. Miloradovich in life, creativity and the fate of F. N. Glinka
... impact on Glinka’s fate and life. As a person, Fyodor Glinka was directly influenced by the events related to the anti-Napoleonic campaign of 1805—1806, the Patriotic war of 1812, and the foreign campaigns of the Russian army of 1813—1815. An officer of the Apsheron infantry regiment, he began as an ensign and ended his military career as a Colonel, a writer and poet, a chronicler of three wars, editor of the first «Military magazine» and organizer of the military library, a Decembrist ...
The structure and features of forensic characteristics of crimes against public officers
On the basis of an analysis of concrete criminal cases, the authors describe the structure of forensic characteristics of crimes against public officers and its basic elements and consider the criteria of forensic classification of such crimes.
Яблоков Н.
Криминалистика. М., 2010.
Третьяков К. В.
Уголовная ответственность ...
The professional training of a police officer in current conditions
This article analyses the public need for high-quality and effective professional training of police officers. The authors suggest the use of a systemic approach, which interprets training as a pedagogical processes aimed to contribute to the development of a police officer as a person and as a competent professional within the customer/client/student ...
Theoretical approaches to studying police officers’ breaches of conduct
This article analyses Russian and international theoretical approaches to interpreting breaches of conduct by police officers. The author stresses the need to verify empirically the relevance of classical postulates of organizational and social psychology for interpreting breach of conduct in a formalized organization in the contemporary socioeconomic and political ...
The psychological and pedagogical training of an officer — a factor or combat training intensification
... an analysis of the combat training of military personnel. The article considers approaches to training intensification offered in psychological and pedagogical research literature. The components of the professional and pedagogical competence of an officer are described. The requirements for the psychological and pedagogical training of officers are identified as a factor of successful intensification of the combat training of military personnel.
1. Бабанский Ю. К. Интенсификация ...
The official as a public officer
... of ‘official’ given by the civil law and the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. The author analyses relevant academic views and judicial practice and formulates proposals on the legislative foirmalisation of the characteristics of a public officer in view of the Supreme Court’s position
1. Бриллиантов А. В., Четвертакова Е. Ю. Должностное лицо в уголовном за¬конодательстве России и зарубежных странах....