The preventive function of the notary: topical issues
The article analyzes the preventive function of the notary, defines the concept and place of the notary in the Russian legal system and among the bodies of civil jurisdiction, reveals the issues of notarial mediation, makes some proposals for improving the legislation. The notary, as an institution of preventive justice, carries out pre-trial resolution of conflicts, ensures the rule of law and plays a huge role in the successful resolution of disputes ...
The history of the development and formation of notaries in Russia: topical issues
The historical stages of the formation and development of notaries in Russia are analyzed, the features of notarial activities in different periods are determined. The post-Soviet period of development of notaries, associated with the adoption of the Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation ...
Some issues of the notary certified transactions
... notarization, their features and interaction between the court and the notary public regarding the certification of transactions are investigated. The article analyzes the main provisions of the Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on notaries, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, makes some suggestions for improving the legislation.
Notarial certification of transactions is primary among other notarial acts; certification ...
The notarial institution and protection of the Internet users’ rights: Relevant issues
This article considers relevant issues of protecting the Internet users’ rights in terms of notarial perpetuation of evidence and the prospects of its development. The author formulates proposals regarding legislation improvement
1. Гражданский процессуальный кодекс Российской Федерации от ...
The problem of notarial certification of wills: Establishing a citizen’s legal capacity
This article addresses the topical issues of notarization of a will and the prospects of its development. The author makes proposals on improving the legislation relating to establishing the legal capacity of a citizen.
1. Конституция Российской Федерации : принята всенародным голосованием 12 дек. 1993 г. (с изм. от 30 дек. 2008 г. № 6-ФКЗ, № 7-ФКЗ, от 5 февр. 2014 г. № 2-ФКЗ) // Собр. законодательства Рос. Федерации. 2014. № 9, ст. 851.
2. Основы законодательства Российской Федерации о нотариате...
The role of notary system in establishing correspondence between the will and expression of will of citizens of the Russian Federation
... legally significant actions. The author stresses the importance of analysing citizens’ will in view of the changes to the provisions of the law on the limitation of legal capacity of natural persons. The article stresses the need to extend the role of notaries in documenting the will and will expression of civil circulation participants.
1. Токарева М. В. Взаимная ответственность государства и личности как объект гражданско-правового ...
The notary system in the Russian Federation: Current problems
This article considers the topical issues of modern Russian notary system and the prospects of its development. The author formulates certain recommendations on the improvement of legislation pertaining to the legal status of the notary. The draft federal law ‘On the Notary System and Activities in the Russian Federation’ is analysed.
1. Основы законодательства Российской Федерации о нотариате / (утв. ВС РФ. 1993 № 4462-1) (ред. от 05.04.2013 № 43-ФЗ) // Ведомости СНД и ВС РФ. 1993, № 10. Ст. 357...