Political reconsideration of the Soviet past: attitudes and actions of the Lithuanian elites
... rezultatais: LR Seimo rinkimų (1996—2004 m.) atvejis [Election Campaigns links with election results: the case of Lithuanian parliament elections (1996—2004)], Kaunas, Vytautas Magnus University.
14. Xue, H., Wooley, M. 2008, Collective Memory and Nostalgia. A New Perspective on Affective Design Strategy for the Chinese Market, Seoul, IASDR 2009 (International Association of Societies of Design Research) conference paper.
15. Velikonja, M. 2009, Lost in Transition: Nostalgia for Socialism in ...
Culture of historical memory of modern German monarchism
... memorial tradition, fostering the consolidation of unique perspectives on the past, which form the foundation of monarchist historical imagination and memorial culture as a form of alternative memory.
Kyrchanoff M.W.
Germany, monarchism, political nostalgia, historical memory, politics of the past, revisionism, counter-memory, memorial culture
Decembrists in the novel “Journey of dilettantes” in the context of Bulat Okudzhava’s work and contemporaneity
... (“Poor Avrosimov”, “Journey of Dilettantes”, “A Date with Bonaparte”), analyses the metaphor that characterizes the tragedy of idealists in the harsh historical reality.
Aleksandrova M.A.
Bulat Okudzhava, Galina Belaya, Decembrists, myth, nostalgia, context