The moving boundaries of news translation
News translation has been investigated more systematically since the mid-2000s. Since then, it has kept pushing the boundaries of translation studies by asking such questions as the following: Can we study multilingual practices that do not necessarily ...
Television news as a form of knowledge about politics
This article focuses on the features of political news communication. The author pays attention to various journalist techniques used in news delivery and identifies the most effective means to disseminate news.
1. Антипов К. В. Паблик рилейшнз : учеб. пособ. М., 2002....
Media fakes in the election campaign in France in 2022
In modern realities, the greatest attention is paid to fake political news in media, the purpose of which is to manipulate public opinion and eliminate a political competitor. At the moment, France is holding quite tense presidential elections, which were preceded by an election campaign using fakes. The purpose of this ...
Subjective modality as a way of expressing author’s intentions in the first printed Russian newspaper “Vedomosti” of the times of Peter the Great
The article examines the potential of the subjective modality as a tool to implement the author’s intentions in the texts of the first Russian printed newspaper «The Vedomosti». The article reveals a significant role of the subjective-modal meanings built over the objective modality through a number of expressive tools (modality units, parenthetical words and structures, particles). The author illustrates and qualifies the modal syncretism of the newspaper text.
Kuksa I. Yu.
periodical press...
Evaluative lexis as a component of subjective modality in the Russian handwritten newspaper Vesti-kuranty
Based on the materials of the handwritten Vesti-Kuranty newspaper, this article analyses the functional significance of evaluative lexis — adjective, adverbs, and nouns with subjective modal meanings conveying expressive emotional reactions of the author of a newspaper text to the described histori-cal events, as well as the temper and actions of its participants.
1. Арутюнова Н. Д. Типы языковых значений: Оценка. Событие. Факт. М., 1988.
2. Балли Ш. Общая лингвистика и вопросы французского языка...
The functional features of author's intentions in the first Russian newspaper Vedomosti
This article discusses the features of the author’s modal evaluations in the texts of the first Russian newspaper Vedomosti. The article identifies modal evaluative meanings and the language means of their implementation and analyses the mechanism of interaction between objectively modal and subjectively modal meanings aimed at fulfilling the author’s intentions in the framework of newspaper information.
1. Ваулина С. С. Эволюция средств выражения модальности в русском языке (XI—XVII вв.). Л., 1988...
The modal potential of a newspaper text: The case of Moskovskiye vedomosty of the post-reform period of the second half of the 20th century
This article considers the category of language modality as a means to implement the author’s intentions in a newspaper text. The modal meanings indicative of the author’s attitude to the message and the means of its expression are identified. The interaction between objective and subjective modal meanings is described for newspaper texts of the second half of the 19th century.
1. Дронова Л. П. Становление и эволюция модально-оценочной лексики русского языка: этнолингвистический аспект. Томск, 2006...
Complex sentences with the meaning of condition as representatives of modality in newspaper texts
The texts of the Sankt-Peterburgskie Vedmosti (Saint-Petersburg Bulletin) newspaper of the second quarter of the 18th century serve as the material for the analysis of structural and content features of conditional sentences in the context of their role in expressing basic modal meanings and author’s intentions.
1. Азарх Э. Д., Рывкина Р. В., Черемисина М. И. Классификатор логико-синтаксических связей и его использование в контент-анализе. Методологические и
методические проблемы контент-анализа...
Subjective and modal evaluation in the newspaper and media discourse
On the basis of an analytical article from the “Rossiyskaya gazeta” newspaper, the author considers the subjective-modal evaluations
that form the author’s opinion in the text, identifies the means of expression of such evaluations, and establishes their functionalsemantic
Будниченко Л.
Особенности публицистического дискурса.
Экспрессивная пунктуация в публицистическом тексте (на материале языка газет). СПб., 2003.
Ваулина С.
К вопросу о структурно-содержательной...