The alignment of stakeholders’ interests in interfirm networking
This article argues that the globalisation of markets and the transition to the information society requires the management of modern organisations to develop new solutions and approaches to management. The development of network society suggests a transition to management in the conditions of growing market turbulence and interdependence of market actors. Therefore, the ability of managers to align the diverse interests of stakeholders — groups, organizations, and individuals ...
Inter-organizational networks as seen by western economic sociology: An analysis of theoretical approaches
This paper analyses theoretical approaches to studying interorganizational networks offered in foreign economic sociology. The authors describe main conceptual problems, the key aspects of network form of interorganizational interaction, and embeddedness effects.
1. Alter C., Hage J. Organizations working together. Newbury ...
Interorganisational networking as the principal form of technological, innovative and research cooperation between Russia and the European Union in the Baltic region
... international research, technological, and innovative space is the development of Russia-EU cooperation in the Baltic region. It is established that, with the development of integration connections and regionalization processes, interorganizational networking takes on special importance in the organization and development of the innovative space. The authors analyze the existing typologies of forms of cooperation in the field of research, technology, and innovation, within which cases of networking ...
An assessment of relations of an individual in the immediate social environment on the basis of social network analysis
This article examines the psychological aspect of criteria for evaluating an individual’s position within the structure of relations in the community they belong to. The author shows how statistical methods used in analyzing social networks can help obtain information on the degree and type of the individual’s involvement into the system of relations and identifies the psychological significance of the actor’s centrality within a social network as a degree of the individual’s ...