Territorial community local spaces
The article explores the intersection of the concepts of spatial networking and territorial community. The author offers a typology of various forms of spatial networking and describes the main characteristic features of each type. It is substantiated that any form of spatial networking is based on territorial сommunity....
Theoretical framework for studying the problem of loneliness and its connection to social networking
... society. Difficulties in adapting to changing conditions are increasingly characteristic of modern youth, which makes young people look for new ways to compensate for loneliness. The article considers different perspectives on one of such ways — social networking.
1. Бубер М. Два образа веры. М., 1995.
2. Журнал «Дети в информационном обществе» : [сайт] URL: http:// detionline.com/assets/files/journal/11/gost11.pdf (дата обращения: ...