The subspecies affiliation of some birds nesting n the Kaliningrad region. Part 2.2: Рasseriformes
... presents data on the taxonomy of birds in the Kaliningrad re¬gion as compared to the taxonomic reviews of birds of Belarus, the Baltic States, Poland, and other European territories. This is the final part a study into the subspecies affiliation of some nesting species of the order Passeriformes. Studying ample data collections and analysing publications made it possible to present a review of the subspecies affiliation of ten nesting bird species.
1. Алекс У. (О. А. Олексас). Подвидовая ...
Some aspects of the ecology of robins in natural and anthropogenic habitats Ryazan region
... contains more synanthropic invertebrates. Some birds start feeding on man-made products and associate with people in the process of foraging. The difference in the reproduction biology of the species can be reduced to the use of man-made shelters for nesting.
1. Болотников А. М., Хазиева С. М., Шураков А. И. и др. Заметки о плодовитости и сроках гнездовой жизни некоторых птиц Предуралья : сб. ст. ...