The attitude of teachers of additional music education to inclusive education of blind and visually impaired children
The article presents the results of an empirical study of conditions and factors in assessing the prospects of inclusive additional music education for blind and visually impaired children. The positive attitude of experienced and highly qualified music teachers to the prospects of wider introduction of inclusive practice in music additional education programs, a humane attitude towards ...
Methodology support for the musical training for visually impaired in research papers: a review of Russian pedagogical publications
The review of the subject field of research and publications in the field of music education for the blind and visually impaired presented in the t national database- aims to establish the boundaries of the subject field and identify gaps in this area of educational research through multi-stage electronic search based on keywords, manual ...
Vocational education in Russia and China: the role of values in the transmission of experience revisited
Drawing on comprehensive historical data about the system of music education in China in the 1920—1930s, the authors focus on the relevance of professional pedagogical values for the successful transmission of professional experience. Examining axiological dimension of the intense pedagogical activity of Boris Zakharov ...