The functional significance of modal evaluative component in the concept structure: The case of M. Bulgakov’s novel The Master and Margarita
This article analyses connections between modality and concept. The au-thor explains the way modal meanings are connected to concepts, stresses the functional value of modal meanings for concept structure, and considers the structure of concept, its nuclear, and interpretation field. The concept of «duty» in the context of a literary text is used ...
The functional features of author's intentions in the first Russian newspaper Vedomosti
... modal evaluations in the texts of the first Russian newspaper Vedomosti. The article identifies modal evaluative meanings and the language means of their implementation and analyses the mechanism of interaction between objectively modal and subjectively modal meanings aimed at fulfilling the author’s intentions in the framework of newspaper information.
1. Ваулина С. С. Эволюция средств выражения модальности в русском языке (XI—XVII вв.). Л.,...
The ways of expressing subjective-modal meanings of certainty and uncertainty in the comedy “Woe from Wit” by A.S. Griboedov and its English translation
... uncertainty in the comedy, which contribute to revealing personality traits of its main characters, namely Famusov and Chatskii. Using a comparative functional-semantic analysis the authors determine the adequacy of Russian and English means of expressing the modal meanings of certainty and uncertainty in the target text. The authors conclude that all dominant constituents of the meanings mentioned above are conveyed adequately enough, except for those which are completely different due to specific features of each ...
Evaluative lexis as a component of subjective modality in the Russian handwritten newspaper Vesti-kuranty
Based on the materials of the handwritten Vesti-Kuranty newspaper, this article analyses the functional significance of evaluative lexis — adjective, adverbs, and nouns with subjective modal meanings conveying expressive emotional reactions of the author of a newspaper text to the described histori-cal events, as well as the temper and actions of its participants.
1. Арутюнова Н. Д. Типы языковых значений: ...