The image of the mirror as the semantic centre of Neil Gaiman’s collection Smoke and Mirrors
The short stories from Neil Gaiman’s collection Smoke and Mirrors are considered in the context of the cultural tradition of understanding the symbolism of the mirror. The article aims to determine the main functions of the mirror in Gaiman's texts and describe the system of parallel images associated with ...
Fruit and Mirror: on Intersection of Images in Poems by Rainer Maria Rilke and Boris Pasternak
The article considers the interrelated images of the 'fruit' and the 'mirror' in poems by Rainer Maria Rilke and Boris Pasternak in the context of
their artistic worldviews. The author compares the function of both images in the oeuvre of the poets.
Баевский В.
Музыкальный подтекст ...
Mirrors and reflections in O. Grushin’s hovel The Dream Life of Sukhanov
This article analyse the motif-image of the mirror and its functions in the novel of the American writer O. Grushin. The author identifies the plot structuring role of the reflection as a method of creating the psychological portrait of the character and the reflection phenomena as a means of the ...
Olya the Crazy: N. Kononov’s novel The source of mutilation in the mirror of a movie
This article considers the intertextual connection between N. Kononov’s novel The Source of Mutilation and A. Rou’s movie Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors. The author identifies and describes the universal culture-forming Doppelgänger archetypes relevant to both works.
1. Кононов Н. Магический бестиарий. М., 2002.
2. Мифы народов мира : энциклопедия ...