The Russian and American approaches to studying the phenomenon of “investigative mindset”
This article examines the origin of the term ‘investigative mindset’ and different opinions on the term’s meaning. In particular, the article focuses on the scientific approaches to the investigative mindset in Russia and the United States of America. The authors analyse the prospects for the development of ...
Janusz Głowacki yesterday and today
18. Януш Гловацкий // : [сайт]. URL:
yanush-glovackiy (дата обращения: 23.01.2019).
Mianowskaya J.
carnival, playwright, reflections, essays, topical issues, differences in mindset
Wry humor as a philosophy
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9. Даль В. И. Толковый словарь живаго великорускаго языка : в 4 ч. М., 1863. Ч. 1.
Berestnev G., Tsvetkova A.
pessimism, wry humor, mindset, concepts, human, semiotics, creolized texts, verbal texts