The relevance of studying soil microflora in the vicinity of solid waste disposal sites (the case of Kaliningrad)
... addresses the problem of solid waste disposal and considers the impact of disposal sites on the urban environment. The author examines the role of microorganisms in the process of soil self-purification and provides data on the condition of the soil microflora in Kaliningrad according to the level of pollution, as well as the ways to study the soil microflora in the vicinity of the disposal site in the suburb of Alexander Kosmodemyanski in Kaliningrad.
1. Большаков В. А. и др. Агротехногенное ...
Topical Problems of Soil Microflora Study in Kaliningrad
The article considers the main polluting factors of urban soils and estimates the impact of anthropogenic pressure on the quantitative and qualitative composition of soil microflora. The authors outline the prospects of research on the microflora of Kaliningrad soils situated in different ecological conditions.
Ананьева Н.
Д., Сусьян Е.
Развитие фундаментальных идей ...
Comparative analysis of the groups of microorganisms in natural and anthropo-genically altered brown forest soils of the Kaliningrad Peninsula
This article focuses on the numerical concentration of certain groups of microorganisms in the brown forest soils of natural and urbanised ecosystems of the Kaliningrad Peninsula. An analysis of the microflora was performed in spring, summer, and autumn 2012. This paper presents the average annual data for each key area. It is shown that human-altered ecosystems are characterized by a higher than natural concentration of ammonifying microorganisms ...
Glycerol Biotransformation by Nonproliferating Cells of Gluconobacter oxydans
М., 1994.
Бирюков В.
Основы промышленной биотехнологии. М., 2004.
Kustova N., Choupakhina N.
Kaliningrad, anthropogenic pollution, soil microflora.
New Data on Some Microorganism Groups in Kaliningrad Soils
... Практикум по микробиологии: учеб. пособ. / под ред. В.
К. Шильниковой. М., 2004.
Kurkina M., Dedkov V.,Klimova N., Lukina A., Krupnova M., Kusainova G.
Kaliningrad, anthropogenic pollution, soil microflora