The modal microfield of necessity in official and business documents in the Russian and Polish languages
Official and business documents published in modern Russian and Polish periodicals serves as the material for analyzing the expression plane of necessity microfield. The authors identify its central and peripheral components, as well as common properties and intralinguistic features in the set of expressive means of the given microfield.
1. Ваулина С. С. Языковая модальность ...
Interrogative and imperative modality in a literary text (The case of satirical writings of the 19th/early 20th century)
The satirical works of N. V. Gogol, A. Averchenko, and I. Ilf and Ye. Petrov help consider the specific functional features of the microfield of interrogatively imperative modality in a literary text. The author establishes the structure-content correlation of the question and imperative within the given microfield and identifies the most regular means of expression of its specific ...
The verbs МОЧЬ and MÓC as core constituents of modal microfields of possibility in the Russian and Polish languages
Based on the modern Russian and Polish texts of different genres and styles, the authors consider the functioning of the Russian verb мочь and the Polish móc as main explicators of the modal meaning of possibility within their respective microfields. The article identifies the universal characteristics and intralinguistic features of the verbs’ functioning.
1. Барентсен А. О русских глаголах смочь и суметь // Основные проблемы русской ...