Conceptual metonymy of the structure of the utterance
The author analyses examples from the English language and, based on their analysis, investigates the mechanism of conceptual metonymy reflected in the syntactic structure of the utterance. Conceptual metonymy is considered as a factor determining the structure of the utterance describing a fragment of reality. The author explores models of metonymic transfers, in which spatial relations act as the source domain, and identifies types of situations, which are metonymically represented as the location...
Axiology of the everyday in language
The article focuses upon metonymic and metaphtonymic means of ‘the everyday’ category verbalization in the English and Russian languages.
Архимандрит Иоанн
(Крестьянкин). Проповеди 1973—1994 годов: в 2 т. М.; Псков, 1994. Т. 2.
Бродель Ф
. Грамматика цивилизаций. М., 2008.
Вяткин В.В.
Христовой Церкви цвет благоуханный. Жизнеописание преподобномученицы Великой Княгини Елисаветы Феодоровны. М.
, 2001.
Гладков Б.И
. Толкование Евангелия. Свято-Троицкая Сергиева Лавра. 1913 (...
On the problem of acausal semantic coincidences: the cognitive background of omens
The authors study the issue of acausal semantic coincidences (synchronicity) for the first time as omens of war in the Russian linguocultural tradition. The semiotic structure of omens is shown, and models of transformations of situational semantics in their signifier and signified are revealed. In particular, symbolic substitutions are possible in the signifier, and a sequence of metonymic shifts in the causal field of war in the signified. In general, the phenomenon of synchronicity, considered...
The dream dictionary of G. H. Miller: The structural originality and cognitive models of interpretation
G. H. Miller’s dream dictionary is analysed from the perspective of modern cognitive linguistics. The author examines its cultural characteristics, embeddedness in the context of dreams, the polysemy of the key image, and the possibility of homonymy. Gender dependence and subject-object differentiation are identified as important features of dream interpretations in the dictionary. The author describes three mechanisms of semantic transformation behind the dream interpretation: metaphoric conversion...
Peculiarities of the figurative in the concept of "Time" in middle English
The article examines the most typical for Middle English metaphorical and metonymic shifts of meaning which represent figurative part of time concept. It is proved that the most frequent shifts are: time — event or state, time — traveler or moving object, space — time, time — master, time — system of measurement, time — grammatical category.
1. Арутюнова Н. Д. Метафора и дискурс // Теория метафоры. М., 1990. С. 5—33.
2. Белозерова Л. В. Пространственные прилагательные и метафора // Метафоры...