The open method of coordination as a new form of governance: features, characteristics, prospects of application
This article is dedicated to the new form of governance — the open method of coordination — in the EU system of governance. This method is considered in the framework of the ‘new governance’ approach as opposed to the Community Method. The author justifies new modes of governance, offers their key characteristics ...
Prospects of the digital storytelling method in foreign language education for young generations
... Generation Alpha, as well as the impact of their psychological characteristics on their educational demands. Particular attention is given to analyzing the educational requests of these generations and assessing the effectiveness of the storytelling method and its digital version in the process of teaching foreign languages to modern youth. As part of a theoretical study on the advantages and prospects of this method, the concept of storytelling in an educational context is defined, along with its ...
Reengineering the process of the development of educational and methodological documentation
The article considers the necessity for using the methodology of reengineering for development educational and methodological documentation. The terms «reengineering» and «business process» are defined, as well as the model of reengineering of business processes, its aims and objectives are described. The authors examine the premises of using reengineering in modern conditions. Likewise, the peculiarities of the usage of reengineering for modernization of educational processes are considered, the...
Education in orthodox comprehensive schools in modern Russia: the issue of choosing methodological principles of research
The development of Orthodox comprehensive education schools in Russia at the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries, as part of the religious education system, makes them a new and relevant subject for scientific research. The necessity of restoring the full educational function of modern schools and the search for effective educational means in contemporary socio-cultural conditions require a reference to the history and theory of Orthodox education. The accumulated experience in...
Methodological support for the “Human anatomy” discipline for undergraduate students in physical education
This article explores the ways of updating and restructuring the methodological framework of the “Human Anatomy” discipline as taught to undergraduate students in physical education. The author presents the structure of the methodological framework created to improve the quality of training process organisation and development of knowledge in students. An assessment of the efficiency of using the methodological framework in the training process is presented.
1. Гнитецкая Т. Н. Современные образовательные...
The methodological competence of a university teacher
This article attempts to resolve the contradictions between the challenges of a higher education institution modernisation and the level of methodological competence. The author analyses methodological problems and the peculiarities of higher education methodology defining the notion of «methodological competence» and determining its hierarchy, structure, and assessment criteria.
Никитин А.
В., Романкова Л.
Квалификационные характеристики специалистов с высшим образованием. М.: НИИВШ...
Simplified methodology for investigating crimes
The article describes the system of methods of investigating crimes as a well-established form in the history of criminalistics. The success of the investigation of crimes depends on a comprehensive, objective examination of the circumstances of crimes, and on the correct choice of the ...
A theoretical and methodological framework for the cognitive approach to word formation studies
The present-day stage of scientific knowledge is characterized by a shift of research aims in different scientific spheres to the cognitive aspects of linguistic phenomena. The cognitive approach to research on word-formation processes is supported by many linguists; however, still being insufficiently developed, it requires a systematization of new methodological tools. The author presents her own vision of the methodological and theoretical framework of cognitive word formation studies.
1. Абросимова...
The acquisition of professional competences by specialists in the field of insurance with the help of business games and problem-centred lectures
This article considers the basic problems of the educational process in the modern conditions in the cases training insurance specialists. The author suggests applying the active training methods in the educational process. The article offers an analysis of such methods as business games and problemcentered lectures. The author emphasises the need to use such methods in developing the professional skills of future specialists.
1. Васильев ...
Innovative Technology of Physical Culture Formation for Students with Limited Motor Activity
... conducted at Komsomolsk-on-Amur State Technical University. The distinctive feature of the innovative technology of physical culture formation for students with limited motor activity is a complex use of traditional and non-traditional recreational methods during practical physical training classes at universities as well as of active training methods during theoretical classes.
Селевко Г.
Современные образовательные технологии: учебное ...
The muscle activity biofeedback in the training of Greco-Roman wrestlers
One of the new methods to improve muscle coordination is the muscle activity biofeedback, which is based on the principles of biological feedback and implemented by means of modern computer equipment. The muscle activity biofeedback prevents muscle overexertion and ...
Theoretical analysis of fuzzy logic and Q. E. method in economics
... generator is the source of this mechanism for the production of the appropriate models.
1. Calvin minds in the making. URL:
othrlnks/Fuzzy/history.htm (дата обращения: 22.04.2019).
2. Challoumis C. Methods of Controlled Transactions and the Behavior of Companies According to the Public and Tax Policy // Economics. 2018. № 6(1). Р. 33—43. doi:—0003
3. Challoumis C. The arm's length principle and the fixed ...
The problems of assessing the efficiency of budget investment finacning through the prgoramme-target method
The article describes the major legal acts regulating the transition to budget planning through the program-target method, offers an analysis of the general features of planning the federal and Kaliningrad regional budgets through this method, considers the concepts of investment, budgetary investment, and the procedure of its realization within the regional budget,...
Promising methods for detecting submarine groundwater discharge in the Baltic Sea and experience of their application
... discharge of groundwater in the southeast part of the Baltic Sea. Detecting submarine groundwater discharge in the Baltic Sea is crucial for understanding the processes in the water body and evaluating the ecological situation. The study examines various methods for detecting SDGW: computational-analytical, geophysical, radioisotopic, chemical, and biological. The experience of their application in the southeastern Baltic Sea is characterized, allowing for the identification of areas where submarine ...
Methods for assessing the quality of life of Russian urban youth
In this article, I carry out a critical analysis of the existing methods for assessing the quality of life of cities and propose a method for assessing Russian cities as experienced by youth. The main result of this study is a method that can be used by municipal authorities in preparing strategic planning documents....
The image of Kaliningrad in the perception of university students
... peculiarities of perception and verbal representation of the image of Kaliningrad by the students of the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University. The objectives of the research determined the choice of a comprehensive methodology, which included the method of unfinished sentences, as well as the methods of interpretation and modelling. As a result of this research, four interrelated constituents of the image of Kaliningrad were determined — external (architectural and landscape), cultural and ...
Revisiting Schleiermacher’s On the Different Methods of Translating: On the Foundations of Translation Relativity Theory
... translation with its empiric version. However, a different approach is also possible. The outlines of the theory of translational and traductological relativity can be derived from the ideas first voiced by Schleiermacher in his lecture On the different methods of translation (1813), from Quineʼs theory of indeterminacy of translation, and from Benjaminʼs concept of untranslatability. From a multi-disciplinary perspective, this heterogeneity is viewed as a benefit. Instead of a universal typology, ...
I. Kant and J. Jungius: on the development of critical tradition in the 17th century German philosophy
This article presents a comparative analysis of the “critical programmes” of Joachim Jungius and I. Kant. J. Jungius’s “criticism” is characterised as methodological, whereas that of Kant as reflective. Kant’s “transcendental criticism” is based on transcendental reflection, whereas J. Jungius’s “methodological criticism” requires that critique is grounded in immediate rather than reflective knowledge. Kant is a subjectivist, whereas J. Jungius is an objectivist and realist. For J. Jungius, the basic...