Book-centric picture of the world in O. Tokarchuk’s novels “The Journey of the Book-People” and “The Books of Jacob”
... "The Books of Jacob," there is also an important opposition of feminine and masculine in the ideological-artistic structure of the novels. Connected with this is the polocentric aspect of "The Books of Jacob," where the issues of Polish messianism are raised, and the archetype of the Virgin, acquiring national color through a uniquely interpreted myth of the Black Madonna of Częstochowa, finds expression. In connection with the cult of the Virgin, the issue of the influence on Tokarczuk's ...
Nikolay Kononov's novel “Flaneur” in the context of Polish messianism: history and myth
The article describes the specific features of Kononov’s dialogue as the author of the novel “Flaneur” with Polish messianism, which is presented by Mickiewicz’s “Books and the Pilgrimage of the Polish Nation” and Slovatsky’s “Journey to the East”. Kononov’s parody and play with historical myths of Polishness allow the reader to compare his novel with ...