The analysis of modus situations in expressions containing the verb to lack
... implicit negation embedded in the verb meaning, which actualizes some modus situations. The objective of the article is to identify and analyse situations verbalized in the utterances with the verb ‘to lack’. These situations are the results of mental activity of the modal subject, implicitly present in the meaning of the verb ‘to lack’. When categorizing a situation, the modal subject evaluates it based on a certain norm, standard or prototype, which the situation does not correspond to. Thus,...
Cognitive-pragmatic approach for conditioning discourse competence of language students
... approach in developing the discursive competence of students in language-oriented programs is justified, with a description of its main principles. Didactic principles are identified: the principle of contextuality, the principle of speech-thinking activity, the principle of cooperation and interactivity, the principle of professional reflection, and the principle of interdisciplinarity, as fundamental for the effective implementation of this approach. A description is provided for each of the above ...