Insolubilia of Thomas Bradwardine
This article examines the medieval logical theory of insolubles by Thomas Bradwardine as a way to solve the liar paradox in the period of Logica Modernorum.
1. Tomas Bradwardine. Insolubilia / Introd., Transl. and Notes by S. Read. P. ;Leuven ; Walpole, 2010.
2. Read S., Spade P. V. ...
Thomas Bradwardine on the types of logical paradoxes
... Основания теории множеств. М., 1966.
10. Шрамко Я. Парадокс познаваемости мира. URL: (дата обращения: 13.12.2012).
Zhuravlyova Ye.
logical paradoxes, medieval logic, T. Bradwardine