The modelling of postmortem heat transfer and estimating the time of death
This article analyses different mathematical models of the process of postmortem heat transfer in an adult cadaver based on postmortem temperature dynamics. A model of heat transfer in a newborn cadaver presented as a finite cylinder is examined in detail. An important factor in constructing a mathematical ...
The methodological and mathematical implementation of the integrated controlling theory
... метод научного познания // Вестник Сургутского государственного педагогического университета. 2013. № 3. С. 192—196.
Kalinina N
integrated controlling, methodology, modelling, mathematical model
The role of statistical and economic and mathematical modelling in applied research
... increasing the effectiveness of marketing activities and the management of business units and institutional structures serves as a framework for describing current trends in applied research on the basis of statistical and economic-mathematical (SEM) modeling. The authors explore the possibilities of using modern information technologies in applied economics and management studies, the prospects of economic agreement studies based on SEM modeling in STATISTICA ™ and MATLAB ™.
1. Велика ...
Modeling of dynamics of distribution of attention in protses-sah a goal-setting
... mechanism of focusing attention in the process of formulating objectives by people are considered. A connection has been shown between the development of emotional experience, keenness of attention and the value containing the excitation zone stimulus. A mathematical model was devised and tested. The model determines changes in keenness of attention depending on the intensity of emotions and the distance between the stimulus and the current point in the space of mental images. The model is based on the application ...
On the mathematical modeling of the space of mental images
This article stresses the need to use a mathematical model of the space of mental images in psychology, medicine, and other sciences. The author identifies the relation between such space and the space-time of physics. The article shows opportunities for structuring the space and introducing different types ...
Modelling in Food Safety Control
This article proves the problem of food safety control to be multi-aspect. The author suggests applying the methods of mathematical modelling to food safety control.
Алтухов А.
Методология и методика определения уровня продовольственной безопасности страны // АПК: экономика, управление....
Application of spatial analysis of morbidity and mortality from COVID-19 (the case of the Pskov region)
... distribution of patients should be taken into account for the analysis of processes in individual settlements.
Ivanova N.V., Samarkin A.I., Belov V.S, Prokofiev M.S.
COVID-19, the pandemic of the new coronavirus, morbidity and mortality from COVID-19, mathematical modeling, GIS mapping, medical geography