Near-border regions’ mass media within the context of public diplomacy: expert survey results’ analysis (the Case of the Saratov region)
Nowadays, within Russian scholarship, there is not so much research on the role of regional mass media in conducting public diplomacy. In this context, the article aims at analyzing results of experts’ survey taken in May 2018. Among other things, experts gave their opinions on the levels and forms of communication between mass media of Saratov ...
The dynamics of youth behaviour in the field of healthy nutrition under the influence of mass media
This article consdiers the problem of mass media influence on the process of health behavior development, in particular, in the field of nutrition. The authors address the possibilitues and features of mass media as a factor of health protection. The article presents the results of an experiment ...
The role of mass media and PR in social work
This article describes the main directions of cooperation between social workers and mass media. The author shows the role of mass media in social problems.
Головлева Е.
Основы рекламы. М.; Ростов н/Д, 2005.
Гуков Д.
Социальная реклама как ...
Strategy of Critical Perception of Media Information: Formation in Language Training
Масс-медиа в культуре информационного общества: монография. Ставрополь: ООО Мир данных, 2007. 142 с
Vorobyova Ye.
critical thinking, media education, problem situation, mass media.
Television news as a form of knowledge about politics
... Communication Theory. 4th ed. Beverley Hills (California),1994.
14. Park R. News as a Form of Knowledge // American Journal of Sociology.1940. № 45. Р. 669—686.
15. Tuchman G. Making News: A Study in the Construction of Reality. N. Y., 1978.
Lisova S.
mass media, political information, news genre, political actors.
The problems of legal socialisation in the conditions of the anomie of the Russian society
This article analyses the problems of the influence of family, mass media, and school on the process of individual legal socialisation. Special attention is paid to their controversial and disruptive influence on legal awareness in the conditions of the disagreement and low efficiency of social norms.
Арутюнян ...
Russian Television of Post-Soviet Era: Patterns of Transformation
Прохоров Е.
. Журналистика и демократия. М., 2004.
Борецкий Р.
. Осторожно, телевидение! / под ред. Я.
Н. Засурского. М., 2002.
A. Samstyko
mass media, Russia, genre, television