How did Kant’s death mask end up in Tartu? A surprising finding at the archive of Art Museum of the University of Tartu
This article tells the story of how Kant's death mask ended up in the Museum of Classical Antiquities of the University of Tartu.
1. Stolovich L. N. O sud'be tartuskoj kantiany // Kantovskij sbornik. 2008. 1 (27). S. 94—108.
2. Clasen K. H. Kant-Bildnisse. Königsberg, 1924.
3. Immanuel Kant: sein ...
Nikolai Kononov’s ‘Ceylon Island’: the poetics of mystification
... mystification strategy as an element central to the poetic nature of ‘Ceylon Island’, its intertextuality, and its stylistic ‘settings’. The receptive nature of the text of Kononov’s story and the logic behind the creation of the author’s mask are considered. The structural sources of the text are revealed to be Chekhov’s Notebooks, Diaries, and Sakhalin Island.
1. Iванiв В. По краям рассветных сумерек // К преизбыточному. Кононовские ...
The problem of self-identification in H. Hesse’s short novel “Klein Wagner” and M. Frisch’s novel “Stiller”
... Frisch brought together by a similar topic and complex of motives up to identical plot elements. It is shown that the problem of self-identification is solved differently by two writers: Hesse’s solution lies in Klein’s rejection of the role and mask of Wagner, which was imposed on him by the society, through a voluntary death, whereas Frisch’s character Stiller faces desolation and shows outward acceptance of his name and role still rejecting them inside.
1. Гайденко П. П. Трагедия ...
On the fate of Kant collection at Tartu University
... April 4—5, 2002, Tallinn].
23. Stark W. Nachforschungen zu Briefen und Handschriften Immanuel Kants. Berlin,1993.
24. Vorländer K. Immanuel Kant: Der Mann und das Werk. Hamburg, 1977.
Tartu Kant collection, Kant’s letters, Kant's death mask, Tartu manuscript
Stolovich Leonid N.
How did Kant’s death mask end up in Tartu? Surprising finding at the archive of Art Museum of Tartu University
This article tells how Kant's deathmask ended up in the Museum of Classical Antiquities of the University of Tartu.
1. Столович Л. Н. О судьбе тартуской кантианы // Кантовский сборник. 2008.1(27). С. 94—108.
2. Glasen K. H. Kant-Bildnisse. Königsberg, 1924.
3. Immanuel Kant: sein Leben in Darstellungen von Zeitgenossen. Die Biographien von L. E. Borowski, R. B. Jachmann und E. A.Ch. Wasianski. Mit einer Einleitung von Rudolf Malter. Neudruck der Ausgabe Berlin 1912. Deutsche Bibliothek. Bd...