‘I did know who they were’: The red horse and the white poodle in Viktor Sosnora’s The Latvian Ballad
... text, highlighting the persona’s interpretation of the appearance of the red horse and the white poodle as miraculous within the context of the depicted rural idyll. A description is provided of the persona’s perspective and some aspects of the lyrical plot, which is chiefly shaped by the images of the two animals. A conclusion is drawn regarding the status of the persona as an artist and creator, which allows the entire The Latvian Ballad to be considered as a poetic text dedicated to the art and mission ...
Text formation function of the author's modality in the poetry of Joseph Brodsky (on the poem «I always kept saying that the fate is a game...» — «Я всегда твердил, что судьба — игра...»)
... poem is a way of representing significant philosophical categories for the poet, such as time, space, loneliness, and fate.
Vaulina S.S., Loseva I.E.
Josef Brodsky, author’s modality, lyrical subject, author’s individual world perception, lyrical plot