Measurement of liver volume using imaging techniques of various modalities
Evaluation of liver volume is of great importance in the management of certain liver diseases and systemic disorders involving the liver. With the development of innovative technologies for the partial liver resection and transplantation lifetime assessment of liver volume ...
Assessment of hepatic volume ex vivo by the formulas of the ultrasound volumetry
The article focuses on determination of the liver volume which is an urgent task for clinical medicine. It is directly connected to the need for an objective quantitative assessment of organ size. The complexity of calculating the volume is due to an irregular geometric shape of the organ, which can ...
Estimating the accuracy of standard volume calculations using liver volumetry
... simple technique to determine an enlarged liver using reliable and valid measurements // Sonography. 2016. Vol. 3. P. 47—52.
6. Childs J. T., Esterman A. J., Thoirs K. A. The development of a practical and uncomplicated predictive equation to determine liver volume from simple linear ultrasound measurements of the liver // Radiography. 2016. Vol. 22. P. 125—130.
7. Chouker A., Martignoni A., Dugas M. et al. Estimation of Liver Size for Liver Transplantation: The Impact of Age and Gender // Liver Transplantation....
The ultrasound volumetry: selecting optimal formula based on linear liver dimensions (ex vivo study)
The authors aim to identify the most optimal formula for calculating the volume of liver based on its linear size ex vivo. The authors measured liver volume in thirty-three corpses by placing the liver in water and calculating the displaced volume of the liquid. Liver was measured in each case. The data were then compared with the ones obtained by using five different formulas comprising linear liver ...