Linguistic personality as a subject of political discourse
This article deals with various concepts of linguistic personality. The article also describes relevant parameters of political discourse. Linguistic personality of a politician considers as a dynamic syncretic phenomenon.
1. Бабайцева В. В. Избранное, 1955—2005 : сб. Ставрополь,...
The ethno-cultural component of a woman image in the novel by M. A. Sholokhov “And Quiet Flows the Don”
... picture of the world of the Don Cossacks and is represented within a separate verbal sign or by describing the appearance or behavior of a woman in a particular context. In addition, the ethno-cultural component is reflected in the representation of the linguistic personality of the novel’s female characters, reflecting the originality of the Don dialects at the phonetic, lexical, grammatical levels. Based on the analysis of various ways of representing the image of a woman in M. A. Sholokhov’s novel “And ...
Compounds in Fyodor Ivanov’s texts (based on «A letter…» and «A petition…» of 1666)
... исследования. М., 2009.
29. Шишков А. С. Собрание сочинений и переводов. Ч. 4. СПб., 1825.
30. Шишков А. С. Собрание сочинений и переводов. Ч. 6. СПб., 1826.
Zagumennov A. V.
linguistic personality, compound words, lexis, text, linguistic personology, 18th century, raskol