The healthy lifestyle idea of students of humanities
The article presents the results a study into the healthy lifestyle ideas of students of humanities. The author analyses the students’ understanding of the term «health» and the healthy lifestyle factors. The article reviews the main sources of healthy lifestyle information used by students. The author considers ...
School lifestyle as a pedagogical category and a phe-nomenon of reality
This article analyzes approaches to the interpretation of the concept of “school lifestyle” and compares it with the concepts of “school climate”, “school spirit”, and “hidden education”. The article offers the author's understanding of school lifestyle as a well-established form of everyday school life. The key components ...
The physical activity of primary school students of the city of Krasnoyarsk
Physical activity is a factor of healthy lifestyle development. This article focuses on the physical activity of primary school students of the city of Krasnoyarsk. The authors discuss various reasons for leading an active (sports classes, yard games) or a passive (resting at the computer or ...
Levels of context: how textual analysis becomes discourse analysis: the case of Internet lifestyle media
... terms of cognition and as a complex of semiotic resources used to 'perform' identities). In a more practical sense, the purpose of the article is to use (certain fragments of) the model to analyze discourse. The discourse used for such analysis is a lifestyle instruction video from YouTube. Methodologically, the analysis draws on (1) the category of engagement as described in the Appraisal Model within Systemic Functional Linguistics and (2) the interpretation of discourse/text as simultaneously ...
Healthy lifestyle behaviour in children and youth: diagnostics results
... институциональный подход. Ч. 1. Калининград, 2010.
по социальной педиатрии / под ред. В.
Г. Дьяченко. Хабаровск, 2010.
Alimpiyeva A. V.
healthcare, healthy lifestyle behavior, diagnostics.
Psychological health risks to children in modern education
... social'noj psihologii. Moscow, pp. 89—105.
Allport, G. W.
1935. Attitudes. In: Murchison, C. Handbook of Social Psychology. Worcester, pp. 798—884.
Simaeva Irina
psychological health risks, healthy lifestyle attitude and behavior